A photo challenge to keep things fun while you work from home

We hope you are doing well. And we do hope as responsible citizens you are doing everything that needs to be done in terms of keeping yourself safe, healthy and happy.

More time at home is not that bad as some are making out to be. Look at it as an opportunity to spend more time with the family and to spend more time on yourself.

Your home is your canvas and we have got a photography challenge to make the most of your time at home.

The rules

1. Every day starting today we will share a word that will be the theme for that day’s photo

2. Take a picture based on that word and share it with us @zoominstories on Instagram with the hashtag #FAMILYJAM and you stand a chance to win a Surprise Zoomin Gift.

We can’t wait to see what you capture. The #FAMILYJAM PHOTO CONTEST



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