Celebrating our Daughters and busting stereotypes

35374951_834544676749143_6160218356533166080_nDaughter – the angel who have your entire life wrapped around her little finger, generous with their hugs, looking up to their dad for everything, kind, considerate and thoughtful while the bratty son of the house is usually absent.

Most people have this idea about what a daughter is like and that idea has been changing dramatically. It is not about the Pink Barbie anymore but a Transformer toy. It’s not about hopscotch anymore but probably Karate or judo. Zoomin is celebrating daughters that are pushing against society’s staid ideas of what a daughter is meant to be.


Let’s look at three exceptions from our country who are breaking all stereotypes and really pushing the envelope-

0Priyanka Chopra- A name that not only every Indian but every human being around the world is familiar with. This daddy’s little girl has broken all the stereotypes that girls were bound to live with. She is the “ideal” of every millennial. Right from a small town to cracking it big in the International market with her talent and exceptional capabilities, she’s the perfect example of what a daughter is today’s’ time. As she says and we abide by the same- “You can be an absolute woman and also be smart and tough and not lose your femininity.”


Mohini Dey- This 22-year-old is an exceptionally talented bass guitarist whose fans include the top musicians of the country- A.R 1_iyuq_jtotobykj_yf34g8qRahman and Zakhir Hussain, both are crazy for the talent she possesses.  She started off with her career at a very young age of 10 years and has been performing Internationally with the top artists in the industry worldwide. Being a millennial, she has set high bars for what a daughter deserves to be treated like.



downloadFaye Dsouza- She is an Indian journalist and a television news anchor. She works as the executive editor of Mirror Now, which is owned by The Times Group. She has been in the limelight ever since she has anchored the show The Urban Debate where she has spoken on topics like women’s right and corruption. For a country where daughters are told to keep quiet, she has been breaking this stereotype by always being outspoken and bold enough to keep her point of view in front of the world.


Let us celebrate all such daughters who are setting the bars high and breaking all stereotypes.

Join us for the celebration and enjoy a flat 25% off on “daughter approved gifts”.

Surprise your darling angel with amazing photo gifts. Shop them now! Use Code- MYPRIDE on checkout.

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