A Detailed Guide on Photo Frame Sizes

Ever walked into a room and instantly felt drawn to a piece of art? Chances are, it’s not just the artwork itself—it’s how it’s framed. Photo frame sizes aren’t just about fitting the picture; it’s about setting the tone for the entire space. Too small, and it feels lost; too big, and it takes over the room. But get just the right photo sizes, and suddenly your space comes alive with balance and style, it brings out all the flavours and makes everything pop. So, when you’re framing your memories and looking for wall photo frame designs, remember, that size matters. It’s the difference between a space that’s just okay and one that wows at first glance.

Most Popular Photo Frame Size Chart

These popular photo frame sizes offer a range of options to suit different preferences and display needs, whether you’re creating a gallery wall, showcasing a single standout piece, or simply displaying cherished memories throughout your home.


Frame Size Ideal for
4×6 inches 4X6 photo size is perfect for small photos or snapshots, making it ideal for displaying cherished memories.
5×7 inches Versatile and commonly used, this a4 size photo frame suits both portrait and landscape orientation photographs.
8×10 inches A standard photo size choice for framing larger photos or art prints, adding a touch of elegance to any space.
11×14 inches Ideal for showcasing larger photographs or artwork, this photo print size offers a substantial presence on the wall.
16×20 inches Make a statement with this photo frame size 16×20 perfect for displaying favourite photos or impactful artwork.
20×24 inches Larger yet still manageable, this big size photo frame is great for prominent displays above sofas or mantels.
24×36 inches Ideal for poster-sized wall photo frame design prints or statement artwork, commanding attention in spacious rooms.


Each of these sizes on the photo frame size chart caters to different preferences and display needs, offering a range of options for showcasing your photos or artwork with style and impact.

How To Choose Write Photo Frame Size?

Choosing the right photo frame sizes involves a combination of personal preference, the dimensions of the photo, and the space where you plan to display it. Here are some steps to guide you through the process.

1. Consider the Photo Size

  • Match the Frame to the Photo: Start by measuring your photo. The frame size should fit the photo perfectly if you’re opting for a frame without a mat.


  • Add a Mat: If you plan to use a mat, choose a frame that is larger than the photo to accommodate both the photo and the mat. For example, an 8×10 photo might fit well in an 11×14 frame with a mat.

2. Think About the Display Location

  • Wall Space: Measure the wall space where you plan to hang the frame. Large frame sizes frames work well on wider walls, while smaller frames are better suited for tighter spaces or gallery walls.


  • Furniture Proportion: Consider the size of the furniture below or around where the frame will hang. The photo frame size should be proportional to the nearby furniture to maintain balance.

3. Choose the Style and Impact

  • Statement Pieces: For a bold impact, choose large frame sizes like 16×20 or 24×36 inches, which can serve as focal points in a room.


  • Gallery Walls: For a gallery wall, mix and match various sizes such as 4×6, 5×7, and 8×10 inches to create visual interest and variety.

4. Frame and Mat Proportion

  • Balanced Look: Ensure the frame width and mat size are balanced. Thin frames with wide mats can look modern, while thicker frames might need narrower mats.


  • Mat Color: The mat should complement the photo and photo frame sizes. Neutral colours work well for most photos, while coloured or designer mats can add a pop of interest.

5. Personal Preference

  • Aesthetic: Choose a photo frame size that matches your style. Minimalist designs might favour sleek, smaller frames, while traditional or eclectic styles might embrace larger, more ornate frames.


  • Purpose: Think about why you’re framing the photo. Is it to preserve a memory, enhance décor, or create an art piece? This purpose can influence your frame size choice.

Custom Photo Frames with Sizes Available at Zoomin

Zoomin offers a range of custom photo frames in various sizes and styles to suit different tastes and needs. Here’s a brief overview of our different types of photo frames.

Designer Frame with Photo

Available in 8 photo sizes, these designer photo frames offer a sleek and modern design that enhances the aesthetic appeal of any photo, making it a stylish addition to your home decor.

Coloured Frame with Photo

These frame sizes come in a variety of colours and can be customized to match your taste. Coloured photo framed prints are made with reinforced fibre and acrylic glazing, they provide both durability and clarity, perfect for adding a vibrant touch to your photos.

Classic Frame with Photo

These personalized classic photo frames preserve your favourite memories and bring them to life with a timeless, elegant look, suitable for any decor.

Designer Mat Frame with Photo

Featuring a range of floral, geometric, modern, and artistic mat designs, these custom designer mat frames allow you to get creative and personalize your photos with unique and eye-catching mats.

Premium Frames with Photo

Spanning over 80 varieties, these premium photo frames range from modern wood designs to vintage vibes, offering high-quality finishes and materials to make your photos stand out in any setting.

Conclusion: understanding photo frame sizes is essential for showcasing your cherished memories in the best possible way. By selecting the right frame size, you can enhance the visual appeal of your photographs and create stunning displays that captivate viewers. Whether you’re framing a single portrait or creating a gallery wall, consider the proportions and dimensions carefully to achieve the desired effect. With this guide, you’re equipped to select the perfect frame dimensions for every image, ensuring a seamless fit that enhances its impact.


For the perfect photo frames that seamlessly complement your picture-perfect moments, turn to Zoomin. With an extensive selection of frame sizes, styles, and customizable options, Zoomin offers the ideal frame for every photograph. Elevate your decor and preserve your precious memories with Zoomin’s exquisite frames today. Let your pictures speak volumes – frame them flawlessly with Zoomin.

FAQs on Photo Frame Sizing

What size is an 8×10 photo?

An 8×10 photo refers to its dimensions in inches, 8 inches in width and 10 inches in height. This photo print size is commonly used for portraits and standard prints. It’s essential to note that the dimensions are in landscape orientation, meaning the photo is wider than it is tall.

What are the most common sizes of photo frames?

The most common photo frame sizes vary depending on regional preferences and standard print sizes. However, some universally popular sizes include:

  • 4×6 inches: Ideal for smaller prints and casual photo displays.
  • 5×7 inches: Often used for portraits and special event photos.
  • 8×10 inches: Suitable for larger prints and framing artworks or prominent photographs.

Which frame size should I choose for my photo on a wall frame?

When selecting a photo frame size to hang on a wall, consider the size of the wall space and the desired visual impact. For smaller walls or to create a gallery-style display, opt for smaller frames like 4×6 or 5×7 inches. For larger walls or to make a statement with a single photo, larger sizes such as 8×10 or 11×14 inches may be more suitable.

In this case, I am displaying several photos at once. Is there a recommended frame size?

For displaying multiple photos together, a collage frame or a multi-opening frame is often the best choice. These frames come in various sizes, with options to accommodate several smaller photos within a single frame. 

Common sizes for collage frames include 4×6, 5×7, and 8×10 inches, with multiple openings arranged in different configurations to suit your layout preferences.

Sanskruti Gala

Sanskruti enjoys writing content that inspires creativity and enhances the user experience for the Zoomin community. She is known for her love for excel sheets, correcting grammar usage and making comprehensive to-do lists.
When not working, Sanskruti enjoys cooking, reading, working out and traveling.

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